"Linton denied that people ever hated their wives; but Cathy affirmed they did, and, in her wisdom, instanced his own father's aversion to her aunt...'Well I'll tell you something,' said Linton. 'Your mother hated your father: now then. And she loved mine,' added he." (page 295)
There was something about this passage that struck me. It was comical to me that both characters (meaning Catherine and Linton) were utterly convinced of their own side of the story but knew nothing of the other's. It was a perfect demonstration of how contrasting Edgar and Heathcliff were of each other and how they passed on their biased views to their children. It's also really interesting how interconnected all of the characters are in this novel. And I'm sorry, but am I the only one who finds it slightly disturbing that Catherine married her cousin? And then when he died she fell in love with her other cousin. Either way, the characters in this literary work are a little too close for comfort. In fact, the entire plot is a situationally ironic circumstance in my opinion because it is so far-fetched.
quote, but no reflection?